
Evolution of Meaning

Evolution of Meaning

Jul 7, 2023

girl reading a copy of mis angeles alrededor de vosotros
girl reading a copy of mis angeles alrededor de vosotros
girl reading a copy of mis angeles alrededor de vosotros

In the heart of language lies meaning—the force that gives words life, rendering them relevant. Today, in an age where emojis and other character-based symbols take center stage, we can't help but realize how technology has expropriated meaning from words.

Still, it's crucial to acknowledge the risks entailed in any translation from English. The nuances risk being pared down, mainly due to the fact that English words often seem devoid of their original meaning. Yet, it is undeniable that meaning stands at the core of language. Words stripped of their meaning resemble a life devoid of purpose: viable, but essentially empty unless filled with something meaningful. For some, this may be family; for others, it may be a passion or even life itself—the exhilarating quest for experience.

While my aim with this post is not to complicate the already tangled concept of meaning, one cannot ignore the inevitable: meaning holds a subtly crucial social dimension that can reinforce it or, at times, entirely upend it. Consider the term "nunnery," for instance. Initially referring to a "house of ill fame" in the 1590s, it transitioned to represent a "convent" in the 17th century—a stark shift in meaning within the same society.

The linguistic conundrum we currently face in the United States transcends mere changes in meaning. We're grappling with a profound loss of purpose, generating a plethora of unintended hurdles for translators. Professor Seymour Chatman, a linguist at the University of California at Berkeley, aptly summed it up, "Ours is a society where words don’t mean very much.”

So, where does this path lead us? I hold on to the hope that we will reestablish the critical importance of meaning. In translating this exceptional book from English and Portuguese into Spanish, I strived to do just that. This narrative weaves a tale of modern spiritual miracles and the pursuit of meaning amidst formidable challenges.

Book Title: Mis ángeles alrededor de vosotros (on Amazon)

In the heart of language lies meaning—the force that gives words life, rendering them relevant. Today, in an age where emojis and other character-based symbols take center stage, we can't help but realize how technology has expropriated meaning from words.

Still, it's crucial to acknowledge the risks entailed in any translation from English. The nuances risk being pared down, mainly due to the fact that English words often seem devoid of their original meaning. Yet, it is undeniable that meaning stands at the core of language. Words stripped of their meaning resemble a life devoid of purpose: viable, but essentially empty unless filled with something meaningful. For some, this may be family; for others, it may be a passion or even life itself—the exhilarating quest for experience.

While my aim with this post is not to complicate the already tangled concept of meaning, one cannot ignore the inevitable: meaning holds a subtly crucial social dimension that can reinforce it or, at times, entirely upend it. Consider the term "nunnery," for instance. Initially referring to a "house of ill fame" in the 1590s, it transitioned to represent a "convent" in the 17th century—a stark shift in meaning within the same society.

The linguistic conundrum we currently face in the United States transcends mere changes in meaning. We're grappling with a profound loss of purpose, generating a plethora of unintended hurdles for translators. Professor Seymour Chatman, a linguist at the University of California at Berkeley, aptly summed it up, "Ours is a society where words don’t mean very much.”

So, where does this path lead us? I hold on to the hope that we will reestablish the critical importance of meaning. In translating this exceptional book from English and Portuguese into Spanish, I strived to do just that. This narrative weaves a tale of modern spiritual miracles and the pursuit of meaning amidst formidable challenges.

Book Title: Mis ángeles alrededor de vosotros (on Amazon)

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